If you missed tonight’s show, you can hear the podcast at the bottom of this post!

I was joined in the studio by Lauren Greenwade, of AGE of Central Texas, to talk about Adult Day Care and AGE’s two Adult Day Care Centers (located in Central Austin and in Round Rock).  These are the ONLY two licensed Adult Day Care Centers in Central Texas.  These Centers offer medical oversight, meals, and activities, in safe, community-like environments.  You can find out more about these centers and arrange a tour by calling:  512-451-4611 or by going to:  http://www.ageofcentraltx.org/.

Lauren Greenwade joined me from AGE of Central TX.

We were joined by Dr. Kathleen Hudson, in Kerville, TX, the founder of the Texas Heritage Music Foundation.  You can find out more about the THMF, and their calendar of events, by going to:  http://www.texasheritagemusic.org/.  You can also find out more, order copies of Dr. Hudson’s books (“Women in Texas Music:  Stories and Songs” AND “Telling Stories, Writing Songs:  An Album of Texas Song Writers“), read Dr. Hudson’s blog (“On The Road“), contact her, and more, by going to:  http://www.kathleenhudson.net/.  Be sure to check out the Texas Heritage Music Day at Schreiner University on Friday, September 27, 2013 @ 9am-1:30pm.  

Dr. Kathleen Hudson

Legendary Grammy-Award Winning record producer and Principal at Accomplice Entertainment, Larry Cohn, surprised us with a call from Hollywood, to chat with Dr. Hudson about Texas Music.  Read Larry’s lively comprehensive book about the history of the blues, “Nothing But The Blues:  The Music and the Musicians.”  http://www.amazon.com/Nothing-But-Blues-Music-Musicians/dp/0789206072.

Lawrence Cohn

Laura Gelezunas joined us from Puerto Vallarta, to talk about her recent blog, discussing the trend of retired women moving to Vallarta from the U.S. and sharing apartments in order to make living by the beach more affordable.  You can read Laura’s blogs, as well as more information about the events  for American retirees in Vallarta, by going to:  http://banderasnews.com/.

Laura Gelezunas joined us from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. http://banderasnews.com/.

Laura Gelezunas in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. www.BanderasNews.com 

And, behind the scenes of the show…

Art Mendoza (Accomplice Entertainment), producer of the show, hard at work. Check out: Accomplice Entertainment on Facebook!

AND…the one who does the magic to make the show come together so smoothly, Snoop gives the thumbs up before the show!