If you missed the show on Sunday, June 30, you can listen to the podcast at the bottom of this post!
Dr. Herman Freudenberger and his wife, Paulette, spoke with me about his long life as an economic historian. Dr. Freudenberger is 91 years young and working on, yet, another book about economic history. If you listen to the interview, it will be obvious that it has kept his brain quite sharp! You can see Dr. Freudenberger’s published books by going to: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=herman%20freudenberger.
The very talented Guitarist and Singer, Jake Cortez, joined me from McAllen, TX to talk about his life in music. You can see Jake perform in McAllen, regularly, at Santa Fe Steakhouse & Cantina on Monday and Tuesday evenings AND at El Divino on Fridays. For more information about Jake’s gigs, to hear some of his musica, and to buy his beautiful CD’s, go to: http://www.jakecortez.com/. You can contact Jake by e-mailing him at: [email protected].
Jake Cortez www.JakeCortez.com [email protected]
Laura Gelezunas joined me from Puerto Vallarta, MX, to talk about animal rescue in Vallarta. There is a lot of opportunity for retirees (and everyone else) to volunteer at animal rescue shelters and to become foster parents to a rescue dog or cat! You can find out more about this, and everything else going on in PV, by going to: http://banderasnews.com/.
Here is Snoop, getting ready to do his magic and make tonight’s show another winner. Notice the new and very stylish cap that he is sporting! These are the new team “drmarakarpel.com” caps!
- Snoop getting ready to work his magic from the engineering booth.
Join me and my parade team at the Independence Day Parade in Round Rock, TX, this Thursday @ 10-11:30am. For more information, go to: http://roundrocktexas.gov/home/index.asp?page=10&recordid=3165.