I had the honor of riding along with the Blue Star Mothers on their float in the July 4th parade!  These are mothers and family members of active military members, helping others with family in the military and those whose family members are fallen heroes.  Cindy McNally is the President of the local chapter in Central Texas and she will be on a future episode of this show.  DeAnn Foster is the designer of this beautiful float.  There was quite a turn-out of parade watchers and, from these photos that I was able to capture from the float, you can see the outpouring of love toward these moms.   Find out more about Blue Star Mothers around the country by going to: www.BlueStarMothers.org.

Me with some Blue Star Moms on the float

Me with some Blue Star Moms on the floatMe on the float


DeeAnn Fraser in front of the float she designed

DeAnn Fraser in front of the float she designed


Cindy McNally marches behind the float carrying photos  of her active military family members

Cindy McNally marches behind the float carrying photos of her active military family members


Military Marchers 3Military Marchers 2Military marchersTwo in a carFire truck 2BoyscoutsParade.13Parade.12Parade w blue star momParade.11Parade.10Parade.9Parade.8Parade.7

DeAnn Foster & Cindy McNally of Blue Star Mothers

DeAnn Foster & Cindy McNally of Blue Star Mothers