Previous Speaking Engagements
Watch Dr. Mara Interviewed by Author, Henery X, on IGTV!
I had a great time being interviewed by, author, Henery X on live Instagram TV! Watch it HERE! And next month Henery joins me on my podcast, to discuss his book and celebrate his birthday!!
July 2020: Dr. Mara is The Woman to Watch in Austin Woman Magazine!
Psychologist Mara Karpel guides the way in overcoming the challenges of living a joy-filled and passionate life.
Dr. Mara was Interviewed on Wisdom Talk Radio with Laurie Seymour about Living a Passionate Life
To live a Passionate life. With vitality. With joy. Aren’t these things that each of us want? Well, maybe you have felt that the fallout from COVID-19 has interrupted your living a passionate life. So, how can you reconnect with that? How can you claim joy and vitality in THIS moment?
June 11: Dr. Mara Was Interviewed by Robert MacPhee for Excellent Decisions Podcast
Join Dr. Mara Karpel as she shares about her remarkable personal story and the work she does helping people discover and live their passion and purpose on Robert MacPhee's Excellent Decisions Podcast! Full Episode here on: On Apple Podcasts Watch here on: ...
June 10, 2020: Dr. Mara was Interviewed by Clayton Tucker For Texas About Mental Health Issues in Texas
Dr. Mara Karpel joined Clayton Tucker to talk about Mental Health during the age of COVID-19. You can listen right HERE!!
May 27: Dr. Mara on 1150 KKNW, Seattle, on “A Wealth Life For Her,” with Host, Tresa Leftenant
Listen to Dr. Mara on Tresa Leftenant’s show, A Wealthy Life For Her, on 1150 AM KKNW, Seattle, about embracing a passionate life!
April 10, 2020: Dr. Mara’s Interview on KXAN, Austin’s NBC Affiliate – Covid-19 and the Elderly
Dr. Mara was interviewed by KXAN, Austin's NBC Affiliate for a story that aired on April 10, 2020, on the 10pm evening news. Here's the story with the sound bites of Dr. Mara discussing about Covid-19 and the elderly. The written portion goes into more detail about...
March 31, 2020: Dr. Mara interviewed by Austin PBS’ Judy Maggio About Stress and Covid-19
Judy Maggio talks with Dr. Mara Karpel about ways to reduce stress during the pandemic and the silver linings, we can all learn from, during these challenging times.
March 20, 2020: CANCELLED: Live Videotaping of “Dr. Mara Karpel & Your Golden Years”
Join us to be an audience member for a live videotaping of “Dr. Mara Karpel & Your Golden Years” at the SXSW music festival, March 20.
January 15, 2020: Dr. Mara Interviewed by G. Brian Benson for Awake TV about Living a Passionate Life
Dr. Mara was interviewed by G. Brian Benson, host of the Awake TV show, “Be Yourself to Free Yourself,” about living a passionate life.

Speaking Engagements
Arrange to have Dr. Karpel speak to your organization. Many groups, communities, and companies have benefited from having insights into the process of aging and the care involved.